NW Family Psychology offers comprehensive care for children, adolescents, young adults and families in Silverdale WA. We are a multidisciplinary team of specialists in family therapy & counseling, psychological & neurodevelopmental assessments, and forensic services.
Services: Silverdale WA Psychologist, Neuropsychological Assessment, Child Custody Evaluations, Forensic Services, Therapy, Counseling & Clinical Services, Child Neuropsychological Assessment, Assessment for Pervasive Development Disorder, Violence Risk Assessment, Child Custody Evaluations, Issue Focused Custody Evaluations, Psychological Parent Capacity, Evaluations in Dependency Matters, Work Product Review, Instructional Expert Testimony, Juvenile Evaluations, Psychosexual Evaluations, Reunification Counseling, Child & Adolescent Counseling, Family/Couples Psychotherapy, Marriage Counseling, Adult Psychotherapy, Adult Psychotherapy for Divorce Adjustment, Psychological Evaluation for Treatment Planning ADHD Assessment, Learning Disorder Evaluation