Happy Too Help You

Happy Too Help You
Happy Too Help You
Atlanta, GA 30294
United States


Happy Too Help You is designed to bring joy and light to those that are struggling, challenged, and just need some positive inspiration and empowerment! We all know someone that can use a "positive lift" during trying times, or just a nice positive gift that will help them or you continue to push through.

Happy Too Help You was and is created from that need! As a family member that is impacted and became a Caregiver, I saw first hand the daily mishaps, frustration, let downs, and just the plain ole "give up" on yourself attitude, that doesn't yield positive energy. Lack of Happiness, Lack of Know How, and Lack of Life are behaviors that my Mom exhibited! Daily! She suffered from a Stroke that heavily limited the left-side of her brain and body. Although she Survived and is living today, the Stroke has changed not just her-but everyone involved in her support circle.

After going to support groups for Stoke Survivors, other Survivors were short on a simple ride to the support group, to purchasing medications. I saw a desperate need to try and connect with not just her, but other Survivors, how to communicate with them, how to help, what's needed other than the need "I" see, how can I help you, how can you help others, and how can I make you some "kind of Happy"?

Happy Too Help You is hoping that the products we place in front of millions of people will shed light on those that are faced with any kind of challenges; from writing a paper, to a bad day at work, to a lonely spell, to being faced with an illness.

10% Of Profits Will Be Donated To Families Faced With Mental And Physical Challenges-Survivors Too Purchase Medication, Equipment, Products, etc.

We're Happy Too Help You