Calgary Local Florist

Calgary Local Florist
1428 9 Avenue SE
Calgary, AB T2G 0T5

Monday - Wednesday: 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM, Thursday, Friday: 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM, Saturday: 12:00 AM - 05:00 PM

Calgary Local Florist is an online flower shop specializing in creative and custom arrangements. We have a large selection of fresh flowers, gift baskets and silk arrangement to serve your every occasion. All arrangements are personalized & come with a same-day delivery option.

As Calgary's most trusted florist, we have been serving Calgary and surrounding areas for 30+ years with the top quality flowers. We carry a wide selection of seasonal flowers and bouquets to make your flower shopping easier. We also carry fruit and gift baskets to pair with your flower order or they can stand alone! Whatever your needs – bouquet delivery, walk-in purchase or even your upcoming wedding or event, we have you covered.

We believe that our personalized service and attention to detail in traditional floral gift-giving, has helped us to maintain our loyal customer base over these many years. We are offering free delivery to first time online customers, so hurry up & order now. If you have any question, please call us at (403) 202-8555.